Showing posts with label iran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iran. Show all posts

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Can Trump Abandon the War Fix?

Can Trump abandon the war fixation of the USA.... which is geopolitics. You back one side, say in the Middle East, because they will kill the friends of Russia or of China or Iran.  This insane business has gotta go if we are going to get together USA, Russia, and China around the great New Silk Road Project.  LaRouche Pac is leading the way, time to get aboard.

we better figure this out soon, if we want to avoid more wars or a nuclear war to destroy human civilization.

Monday, October 9, 2017

Trump Ready to Go to China Poetry

Trump is at the crossroads

Trying to peg a ride on the landbridge

Carrying the heavy loads

Of the lies of Muller banker-cop whiz

Trump At A Crossroads With Asia Trip: The Mueller Threat Must Be Destroyed: There is great political tension surrounding the preparations the Trump Administration is now making for the President's Asia trip November 3-14 and, crucially, his meetings with President Xi of China. Confrontations with North Korea and with Iran are intensifying and threaten great, potentially... but in a way the greatest threat is the potential rigged impeachment of Trump through the Muller Russia witchhunt.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Walter B. Jones looking to stop war

Congressman Walter B. Jones (R-NC) has announced that he will hold a press conference at 10 AM, Sept. 21, in Rayburn B-318, to discuss House Concurrent Resolution 107. Rep. Jones will be joined by a group of senior retired military officials, constitutional lawyers, and congressional co-sponsors, to discuss HCR 107 (the bill to send an impeachment warning to Obama), which currently has 11 cosponsors. This bi-partisan resolution, introduced in March of this year, reasserts the power of Congress to declare war, and states that any President who circumvents Congress, unless the United States is attacked, will face an article of impeachment.
Speakers at the press conference will include:
Congressman Walter B. Jones (R-NC)
Bruce Fein, specialist in constitutional and international law, Associate Deputy Attorney General under President Reagan, author, "American Empire: Before the Fall".
Lt. Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson (USA.Ret), former Chief of Staff to Secretary of State Colin Powell (2002-05) Lt. Colonel Anthony Shaffer, author of "Operation Dark Heart", exposed the Pentagon data mining program known as Able Danger, and uncovered two terrorist cells involved in 911.
A statement of support from Gen. Joseph P. Hoar (USMC-ret.), who served as the Chief of Staff and later as the Commander-in-Chief of the Central Command, will also be read.