Showing posts with label nasa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nasa. Show all posts

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Afraid to Fight for Trump?

I made a few phone calls to Republican party people.... A couple of people agreed we need to stop the phoney Russiagate, Mueller witchhunt... and yes we need a real infrastructure program... but they really don't want to fight... they have excuses... Still it is an interesting situation.

Still it is also nice that we have Kesha Rogers running for Congress in 2018 from the Houston Texas area, as an independent candidate against impeacher idiot Cong. Al Green.... And we are looking for other candidates for Larouchepac to support..... read on....

We seek to create large blocks of voters and candidates endorsing this platform in critical Congressional Districts and, thereby, win the future for this country by making this platform which follows, a reality. (Please leave your address, it will help us determine key congressional districts.)

A leaflet announcing this campaign can be found here.
Our future could be determined by the 2018 Congressional elections. Neither party has a program to advance the nation, let alone ensure our short-term survival. Therefore, we advance the following platform, and launch an independent expenditure campaign to make it happen. We will campaign on the platform below, endorsing or opposing candidates, and creating large blocks of voters and candidates demanding this platform in critical Congressional Districts.
Presently, both major political parties are controlled by Wall Street. Both parties adhere to the post–World War II geopolitical system that has produced decades of perpetual war, and now threatens World War III by attacking China and Russia. The Democrats intend to use these elections to impeach the President. The Republicans, while nominally supporting the President, fanatically adhere to Wall Street’s economic ideas which will destroy his Presidency.
The 2018 LaRouche Platform is the solution!

A Future-Oriented Platform

The LaRouche platform has two flanks.
End the coup against the President and prosecute those responsible.
Implement LaRouche’s Four Laws for Economic Recovery of the United States and join China’s great Belt and Road Initiative for economic development.
This will create millions of productive jobs, and ensure the United States joins a new paradigm of global collaboration on great infrastructure projects advancing the common aims of mankind.

LaRouche’s Four Laws for an Economic Recovery of the USA

These are not independent policies, they must be conceptualized and implemented together.
  1. Immediately reinstate Franklin Roosevelt’s Glass–Steagall banking separation act, before the imminent collapse of Wall Street’s latest financial bubbles.

  2. Return to a national banking system, as originally defined by Alexander Hamilton, and reflected in Abraham Lincoln’s Greenback policy and Franklin Roosevelt’s Reconstruction Finance Corporation.

  3. Direct trillions of dollars of US federal credit towards high technology and high productivity employment, including the rebuilding of US infrastructure.

  4. Launch a crash program to develop fusion power and greatly expand NASA’s human space exploration program.

Joining China’s Belt and Road Initiative

China has launched the largest infrastructure development project in human history. Already ten times bigger than the Marshall plan, the Belt and Road Initiative (The New Silk Road) is bringing dozens of nations together in “win-win” economic collaboration around massive infrastructure projects. Much of Asia is already involved, and the program is already expanding into Europe, Africa, and South America.
For many formerly colonized and so-called developing nations, this is their first real opportunity for modern development. For stagnating industrialized nations, this is a critical opportunity for a new era of rebuilding, advancing, and producing.
The United States needs to join this program for win-win global development.  
LaRouche’s Four Economic Laws and the USA’s joining the New Silk Road, taken together, are the basis for a global renaissance, leaving geopolitics behind and creating a new paradigm of human relations.

We’re asking you and/or your organization to endorse LaRouchePAC’s policy platform for the 2018 elections, and join our campaign. 

Sign here to pledge that you will support this platform and vote for candidates supporting it.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Harlem NY to Global Warming Jive

Harlem NY to Global warming, you are nothing but jive and an excuse to shut down everything.

October 6, 2014
RELEASE 14-272
NASA Study Finds Earth’s Ocean Abyss Has Not Warmed
image shows heat radiating from the Pacific Ocean as imaged by the NASA’s Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System
While the upper part of the world’s oceans continue to absorb heat from global warming, ocean depths have not warmed measurably in the last decade. This image shows heat radiating from the Pacific Ocean as imaged by the NASA’s Clouds and the Earth's Radiant Energy System instrument on the Terra satellite. (Blue regions indicate thick cloud cover.)
Image Credit: 
Deep sea creatures, like these anemones at a hydrothermal vent
Deep sea creatures, like these anemones at a hydrothermal vent, are not yet feeling the heat from global climate change. Although the top half of the ocean continues to warm, the bottom half has not increased measurably in temperature in the last decade.
Image Credit: 
The cold waters of Earth’s deep ocean have not warmed measurably since 2005, according to a new NASA study, leaving unsolved the mystery of why global warming appears to have slowed in recent years.
Scientists at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, analyzed satellite and direct ocean temperature data from 2005 to 2013 and found the ocean abyss below 1.24 miles (1,995 meters) has not warmed measurably. Study coauthor Josh Willis of JPL said these findings do not throw suspicion on climate change itself.
"The sea level is still rising," Willis noted. "We're just trying to understand the nitty-gritty details."
In the 21st century, greenhouse gases have continued to accumulate in the atmosphere, just as they did in the 20th century, but global average surface air temperatures have stopped rising in tandem with the gases. The temperature of the top half of the world's oceans -- above the 1.24-mile mark -- is still climbing, but not fast enough to account for the stalled air temperatures.
Many processes on land, air and sea have been invoked to explain what is happening to the "missing" heat. One of the most prominent ideas is that the bottom half of the ocean is taking up the slack, but supporting evidence is slim. This latest study is the first to test the idea using satellite observations, as well as direct temperature measurements of the upper ocean. Scientists have been taking the temperature of the top half of the ocean directly since 2005, using a network of 3,000 floating temperature probes called the Argo array.
"The deep parts of the ocean are harder to measure," said JPL's William Llovel, lead author of the study published Sunday in the journal Nature Climate Change. "The combination of satellite and direct temperature data gives us a glimpse of how much sea level rise is due to deep warming. The answer is -- not much."
The study took advantage of the fact that water expands as it gets warmer. The sea level is rising because of this expansion and the water added by glacier and ice sheet melt.
To arrive at their conclusion, the JPL scientists did a straightforward subtraction calculation, using data for 2005-2013 from the Argo buoys, NASA's Jason-1 and Jason-2 satellites, and the agency’s Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites. From the total amount of sea level rise, they subtracted the amount of rise from the expansion in the upper ocean, and the amount of rise that came from added meltwater. The remainder represented the amount of sea level rise caused by warming in the deep ocean.
The remainder was essentially zero. Deep ocean warming contributed virtually nothing to sea level rise during this period.
Coauthor Felix Landerer of JPL noted that during the same period warming in the top half of the ocean continued unabated, an unequivocal sign that our planet is heating up. Some recent studies reporting deep-ocean warming were, in fact, referring to the warming in the upper half of the ocean but below the topmost layer, which ends about 0.4 mile (700 meters) down.
Landerer also is a coauthor of another paper in the same journal issue on 1970-2005 ocean warming in the Southern Hemisphere. Before Argo floats were deployed, temperature measurements in the Southern Ocean were spotty, at best. Using satellite measurements and climate simulations of sea level changes around the world, the new study found the global ocean absorbed far more heat in those 35 years than previously thought -- a whopping 24 to 58 percent more than early estimates.
Both papers result from the work of the newly formed NASA Sea Level Change Team, an interdisciplinary group tasked with using NASA satellite data to improve the accuracy and scale of current and future estimates of sea level change. The Southern Hemisphere paper was led by three scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Livermore, California.
NASA monitors Earth's vital signs from land, air and space with a fleet of satellites and ambitious airborne and ground-based observation campaigns. NASA develops new ways to observe and study Earth's interconnected natural systems with long-term data records and computer analysis tools to better see how our planet is changing. The agency shares this unique knowledge with the global community and works with institutions in the United States and around the world that contribute to understanding and protecting our home planet.
For more information about NASA's Earth science activities in 2014, visit:
For more information on ocean surface topography from space, visit:
More information on NASA’s GRACE satellites is available at:
For more information on the Argo array, visit:
Steve Cole
Headquarters, Washington
Alan Buis