Saturday, July 27, 2024

For a Council of Reason

The war threat continues, with possible war theaters continuing or opening up in Ukraine / Russia, the Middle East / Iran, and the area around China.... I hope our diplomats and in the USA our Presidential system can figure out how to avoid war and bring back cooperation....

Beyond diplomacy, China has recently announced its intention to develop an industrial prototype fusion reactor by 2035, and the first commercial production of fusion energy by 2050. A Council of Reason can be formed, now, by morally concerned citizens to avert thermonuclear war by creating a new, just security and development architecture. Such an architecture will require the economic development of all nations, with a crash program to bring the miraculous benefits of commercial fusion energy to over 8 billion people. This will be taken up by EIR’s Bill Jones, who will also be joined by LaRouche spokesman Harley Schlanger.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Press Conference on Immediate Nuclear War Danger


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Emergency Press Conference:

The Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, and Must Be Stopped

Wednesday June 12, 2024; 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. (U.S. Eastern Time)

National Press Club, Washington, D.C.; and online at

· Scott Ritter: former U.N. weapons inspector and U.S. Marine intelligence officer;
· Col. (ret.) Richard H. Black: former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon; former State Senator, Virginia
· Ray McGovern: former CIA analyst and co-founder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)
· Helga Zepp-LaRouche: founder of the Schiller Institute

Schiller Institute

Brad Lander at Peace Rally

Rally for Ceasefire in Israel Palestine Gaza

Rally for Peace in Israel Gaza Palestine war.... see pictures above.

On June 3, the U.S. State Department prevented U.S. citizen Scott Ritter from boarding his flight to St. Petersburg, Russia, and seized his passport. Ritter, a former U.S. Marine officer and United Nations weapons inspector who has become a prominent opponent of the current war policy, was traveling to participate in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), which is being attended by an estimated 19,000 people and 3,400 media representatives from some 130 countries. Ritter was subsequently able to participate in the SPIEF panel via Zoom.

In addition to the clear First and Fourth Amendment Constitutional issues raised by the Ritter case, the content of what Ritter was going to discuss is key: the need to improve U.S.-Russian relations and stop the escalating danger arising from NATO’s current posture towards Russia, as seen most starkly in Ukraine, which is dragging the world towards a nuclear World War III.

The May 22 attack on a critical Russian early-warning radar system at Armavir, purportedly by “Ukrainian” drones, could have been the event which tipped the balance towards war—because it could have confirmed for Russia their stated belief that NATO and the West are intent on “blinding” Russia’s early-warning system in preparation for a possible “preemptive decapitation” strike by the U.S. and NATO against them. Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stated exactly this concern, publically, and it is the height of arrogant foolishness of the West to dismiss this as a “bluff,” as so many in Washington, London and other NATO capitals are now doing.

As dangerous as attempting to blind Russia’s early-warning radar, are the efforts to silence opposition voices who function as a kind of “early-warning” system in the domain of policy deliberation—those who are warning of the danger of nuclear war, and are presenting alternatives to a policy of confrontation.

On Wednesday, June 12 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., a distinguished panel of four experts will each make brief presentations on these topics, and will respond to questions from the media, both in person and over an international Zoom link (with simultaneous interpretation into German, French and Spanish for audiences in those countries).

IN PERSON PARTICIPATION: Seating is limited, so please RSVP to

ONLINE JOURNALIST PARTICIPATION: Journalists wishing to participate on-line, please send an email to Please indicate your name, media you represent, and language preference (English, German, French and Spanish can be accommodated), and you will receive a link by email.

GENERAL PUBLIC: The public in general can view the online English-language live stream on
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Monday, April 8, 2024

From the Oasis Plan for Israel Palestine to the World Land Bridge and the BRICS

 We around have been pushing peace through development for a long time. LaRouche started with the ideas of stopping the division of the world after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Communist bloc. That was the Productive Triangle of Paris Berlin and Vienna. And later the Europe-Asia Landbridge and the Chinese turned that into the Belt and Road and the Brics in 29013.

And we continue with the Oasis Plan, water not war, for the Middle East, for Israel Palestine.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Stop war in Israel Palestine

 Conference on middle east peace plan

Oasis plan conference April 13

 Stop genocide now. Peace thru development.

Sign up to online conference stop #israel #gaza war

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

The Religious Confrontation on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, in Israel - Palestine

 Israel's #BenGvir Advances Religious Confrontation Over Al-Aqsa Mosque

DAVID SHAVIN אלון נוריאל EIR exposed yesterday the dangerous “Red Heifer” provocation presently in preparation, aimed at the destruction of the Islamic holy site in Jerusalem, the Al-Aqsa Mosque. In particular, the last ten days of Ramadan, from March 30 to April 8, was specified as the window when the provocateurs of the “Temple Mount” operation indicate that the provocation—the slaughter and burning of a pure red cow on the Mount of Olives—first can be carried out. (It depends, supposedly, upon their calculations as to the proper age of the cows they have raised for the purpose.) Israel’s Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir just filed for special permission for his provocateurs to go onto the Al-Aqsa Mosque grounds for just these last ten days of Ramadan, according to today’s Times of Israel. They explain why the request is out of the ordinary: “Although Jewish visitation to the holy site is permitted in the first 20 days of the Muslim month of fasting, it is usually shut down completely during the last 10 days since that is when the Laylat al-Qadr falls—the holiest night of the year in Islam, which as such is considered to be particularly sensitive in terms of security concerns.” But the coverage fails to explain why Ben-Gvir would choose now to make such a unique request. Ben-Gvir has led several provocations over the years onto what Jewish fanatics designate as the “Temple Mount,” but never with the immediate threat that rebuilding the Third Temple on the site of the Al-Aqsa Mosque is to be initiated. His office reports that senior security officials are examining his request. Ben-Gvir is the head of the Otzma Yehudit ("Jewish Power") party, whose part-time media advisor, Dr. Melissa Jane Kronfeld, leads daily “ascensions” up the Temple Mount, to provoke the Muslims there. She appears in the March 2 CBS News story on the “Red Heifer” provocation “The Unlikely Role Red Cows Play in War between Israel and Hamas,” in which she casually explains that the Al-Aqsa Mosque simply “has to go.” When asked if that wouldn’t provoke a religious war, she simply explains it is not a problem, as we’re already at war.

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Israel and Gaza in a Time of War

 it's the Anglo Americans, see

We need peace with development. So much danger of a nuclear war, and we need a ceasefire in Ukraine-Russia and also in Israel-Gaza.

because they want to bomb Yemen and lots of other places.... sabotage the Brics (Brazil Russia India China South-Africa) assoc... But we are no longer "on the way to the abyss" - we are in a free dive that will lead to a complete crash. This is no longer the IDF (note the letter L in the word "without"), not the Israel Defense Forces, not even the attack army, and the fighting or rescue of Israel; it is a political revenge army. Arab-Rav of gangs. No command, no management , without discipline, without law and without accountability
טובי פולק - Tuvi Po
אבל אנחנו כבר לא "בדרך לתהום" - אנחנו בצלילה חופשית בואכה התרסקות מוחלטת. זה כבר לא צה"ל (שימו לב לאות ל' במילה "בלי"), לא צבא ההגנה לישראל, אפילו לא צבא ההתקפה, והלחימה או ההצלה של ישראל; זה צבא נקמות פוליטי. ערב-רב של כנופיות. בלי פיקוד, בלי ניהול, בלי משמעת, בלי דין ובלי חשבון…