Friday, March 21, 2025

Does the EU really want WW3?

 That is the question, does the European Union really want World War 3. Their weird military mobilization is very sad, as their energy situation collapses and living standards collapse too....

In a March 8 statement Helga Zepp-LaRouche asserts:

"If the EU and the individual European member states now sabotage Trump’s intention to end, together with Russia, the Ukraine war which was a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia from the beginning, then they are making a catastrophic historical mistake. If they then also attempt to finance the enormous lack of military capabilities by creating money outside the regular budgets, they are repeating German Reichsbank President Hjalmar Schacht’s policy of Mefo bills from the 1930s. At that point, the great war with Russia and with all the countries with which Russia is in a strategic partnership would become a self-fulfilling prophecy!"

It's not only the EU which is pushing delusional financial schemes, but members of the Trump Administration, apparently with the President's approval, are recklessly moving toward merging the U.S. Treasury and (unconstitutional) Federal Reserve with the crypto currency domain, which will ultimately blow out whatever stability is left of the U.S. dollar.

There is a precedent for these schemes which didn't end well, referenced by Helga Zepp-LaRouche above.

The United States needs to return to a solid, production-based economy, driven by a commitment to scientific and technological advancement which is the only way to raise the standard of living of the American people and create the conditions for peaceful relations with the rest of the planet.

Monday, March 10, 2025


Instead of Rearming for the Great War, We Need to Create a Global Security Architecture!

– by Helga Zepp-LaRouche see 

The European Union (EU) and most European governments are in the grips of a war hysteria that can only be compared to the warmongering madness that broke out before World War One. Astronomical sums are slated to be spent on rearmament: European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wants to invest €800 billion(!) in the “Rearm Europe” plan, but by invoking Article 122 of the EU’s Lisbon Treaty to bypass the European Parliament. The likely next German Chancellor Friedrich Merz, who had promised before the [Feb. 23] election that the CDU would not touch the debt brake, now says the exact opposite after the election: he proposes, to begin with, €400 billion(!) for arms buildup, and €500 billion for “infrastructure,” which will largely serve military purposes, but without setting an upper limit (!) for military spending—“Whatever it takes!” as Merz put it. Those are the infamous words Mario Draghi used during the euro crisis to signify that all the money floodgates should be opened. And this at a time when the German physical economy is in free fall, when some European countries are being crushed by gigantic mountains of debt and Europe has already been largely left behind economically.

And why such a sudden fantastic increase in money, as if there were no tomorrow? U.S. President Donald Trump is talking to Russian President Vladimir Putin and wants to bring the Ukraine war, which has long been lost militarily, to an end through negotiation, and thus end the horrific dying of Ukrainians and Russians. At the same time, Trump is pulling the world back from the brink of a thermonuclear world war, from which we were only a hair’s breadth away due to the escalation of the previous U.S. administration.

But rather than congratulating Trump and supporting him, the European Union—which was, after all, the winner of the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize—as well as UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer, French President Emmanuel Macron and Merz are attempting to continue the war in Ukraine “to the last Ukrainian,” even though experts estimate that it has already taken the lives of over one million Ukrainians and around 300,000 Russians.

The Europeans are thus attempting a repeat of the sabotage with which UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson torpedoed the Istanbul agreement between Putin and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in March 2022, which could have ended the war after a few weeks, and so is responsible for all the deaths since then.

At the same time, different secret services in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, etc. are producing forecasts that say Russia will allegedly have built up its military capabilities to such a point by 2029-30 that it will then be able to attack one or more other EU states. This is a purely geopolitically motivated assertion for which there is no evidence whatsoever, but which could turn out to happen if Europe continues to focus on confrontation, on the motto: “What I shout into the forest, will come back as an echo.”

Various institutes, such as the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, point out that neither the German Bundeswehr, nor the British or French armed forces are even remotely capable of engaging in a direct confrontation with the world’s strongest nuclear power—Russia. The Kiel Institute warned, for example, that at current procurement rates, it would take the Bundeswehr up to 100 years to reach the level of its 2004 stocks. The British Army has just 219 tanks, while Russia produces over 1000 per year. The British Royal Air Force has just 173 combat aircraft! Italy has an impressive 150 main battle tanks! Macron’s offer to use French nuclear weapons as a nuclear umbrella for the whole of Europe should be seen as a provocation of Russia more than as actual protection.

Tom Harrington, Professor Emeritus at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, aptly summed up the reaction of Europeans: “If you are a chihuahua and you play a Doberman for many years on TV, you can forget that you’re actually a chihuahua. That can lead to much delusion when the director calls off the production.”

If the EU and the individual European member states now sabotage Trump’s intention to end, together with Russia, the Ukraine war which was a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia from the beginning, then they are making a catastrophic historical mistake. If they then also attempt to finance the enormous lack of military capabilities by creating money outside the regular budgets, they are repeating German Reichsbank President Hjalmar Schacht’s policy of Mefo bills from the 1930s. At that point, the great war with Russia and with all the countries with which Russia is in a strategic partnership would become a self-fulfilling prophecy!

The European establishments have so far failed to reflect on their own strategic mistakes of recent decades, which have led to the current situation so unpleasant for them. Instead of seizing the great historic opportunity presented by the fall of the Berlin Wall and German reunification to establish a peace order that was absolutely possible at the time, all of Europe ended up following the policies of the Anglo-American neocons. Instead of dissolving NATO together with the Warsaw Pact in 1991, the West broke all the promises it had made to Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev and expanded NATO no less than six times—by a total of 1000 kilometers—up to the borders of Russia, thus creating the conditions for a reverse Cuban missile crisis. In addition, the policy of sanctions, regime change and interventionist wars, especially in Southwest Asia, created an enormous backlash throughout the Global South.

But the European establishments have so far been incapable of reflecting on their mistakes out of the obvious fear that it will profit their critics. Faced with the choice of joining Trump’s new U.S. peace policy, they are aligning behind the British policy—and thus the country leading the war policy!

Clearly, the European pro-Atlantic establishments have still not realized that the historical momentum has already shifted massively to Asia. Several nations there have growth rates that the European economy can only dream of. The economic success of China is due to its economic policy, which gives the priority to investment in infrastructure, the real economy, innovation, excellence in education and increased productivity through investment in cutting-edge technologies.

China’s trading partners benefit from this policy, which is based on win-win cooperation, as it is also economically beneficial for China. Organizations such as the BRICS, which now has 19 members and partners and many more hoping to join, as well as ASEAN, SCO, EAEU and others, now represent an attractive alternative to the unipolar “rules-based” order based purely on military alliances and geopolitical interests. Above all, it is by now well known that the application of these “rules” is a highly arbitrary matter.

Europe has reacted to Trump’s sudden signals for an end to the Ukraine war and a resumption of diplomacy with Russia with great panic—and cries for war. But there is still time to correct this potentially fatal course. If Europe wants to overcome its current economic misery, the way out lies in cooperation with the nations of the Global South, which has long since become the Global Majority.

Humanity has reached the point where it must overcome the old patterns of thought steeped in geopolitics and the Cold War and replace them with a new global security and development architecture that takes into account the interests of all nations on this planet. A positive example for this is provided by the Peace of Westphalia, which came about because the warring parties came to the conclusion that if the war continued, no one would be able to enjoy victory, since there would be no survivors. How much more convincing this argument is in times of thermonuclear weapons which, if used, would lead to the extinction of all mankind!

  • We call on European politicians to come to their senses!
  • Do not repeat the mistakes of the 1930s!
  • Humanity is at the most important crossroads in its history!
  • For a new paradigm: cooperation instead of confrontation!
  • For immediate negotiations on a new Peace of Westphalia!
  • For an end to the war in Ukraine through negotiations and diplomacy!
  • For an end to the war in Gaza through diplomacy, the recognition of the two-state solution and the economic development of the entire region!
  • No stationing of American medium-range missiles in Germany!

Saturday, July 27, 2024

For a Council of Reason

The war threat continues, with possible war theaters continuing or opening up in Ukraine / Russia, the Middle East / Iran, and the area around China.... I hope our diplomats and in the USA our Presidential system can figure out how to avoid war and bring back cooperation....

Beyond diplomacy, China has recently announced its intention to develop an industrial prototype fusion reactor by 2035, and the first commercial production of fusion energy by 2050. A Council of Reason can be formed, now, by morally concerned citizens to avert thermonuclear war by creating a new, just security and development architecture. Such an architecture will require the economic development of all nations, with a crash program to bring the miraculous benefits of commercial fusion energy to over 8 billion people. This will be taken up by EIR’s Bill Jones, who will also be joined by LaRouche spokesman Harley Schlanger.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Press Conference on Immediate Nuclear War Danger


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Emergency Press Conference:

The Danger of Nuclear War Is Real, and Must Be Stopped

Wednesday June 12, 2024; 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. (U.S. Eastern Time)

National Press Club, Washington, D.C.; and online at

· Scott Ritter: former U.N. weapons inspector and U.S. Marine intelligence officer;
· Col. (ret.) Richard H. Black: former head of the U.S. Army’s Criminal Law Division at the Pentagon; former State Senator, Virginia
· Ray McGovern: former CIA analyst and co-founder of the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)
· Helga Zepp-LaRouche: founder of the Schiller Institute

Schiller Institute

Brad Lander at Peace Rally

Rally for Ceasefire in Israel Palestine Gaza

Rally for Peace in Israel Gaza Palestine war.... see pictures above.

On June 3, the U.S. State Department prevented U.S. citizen Scott Ritter from boarding his flight to St. Petersburg, Russia, and seized his passport. Ritter, a former U.S. Marine officer and United Nations weapons inspector who has become a prominent opponent of the current war policy, was traveling to participate in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), which is being attended by an estimated 19,000 people and 3,400 media representatives from some 130 countries. Ritter was subsequently able to participate in the SPIEF panel via Zoom.

In addition to the clear First and Fourth Amendment Constitutional issues raised by the Ritter case, the content of what Ritter was going to discuss is key: the need to improve U.S.-Russian relations and stop the escalating danger arising from NATO’s current posture towards Russia, as seen most starkly in Ukraine, which is dragging the world towards a nuclear World War III.

The May 22 attack on a critical Russian early-warning radar system at Armavir, purportedly by “Ukrainian” drones, could have been the event which tipped the balance towards war—because it could have confirmed for Russia their stated belief that NATO and the West are intent on “blinding” Russia’s early-warning system in preparation for a possible “preemptive decapitation” strike by the U.S. and NATO against them. Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stated exactly this concern, publically, and it is the height of arrogant foolishness of the West to dismiss this as a “bluff,” as so many in Washington, London and other NATO capitals are now doing.

As dangerous as attempting to blind Russia’s early-warning radar, are the efforts to silence opposition voices who function as a kind of “early-warning” system in the domain of policy deliberation—those who are warning of the danger of nuclear war, and are presenting alternatives to a policy of confrontation.

On Wednesday, June 12 at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., a distinguished panel of four experts will each make brief presentations on these topics, and will respond to questions from the media, both in person and over an international Zoom link (with simultaneous interpretation into German, French and Spanish for audiences in those countries).

IN PERSON PARTICIPATION: Seating is limited, so please RSVP to

ONLINE JOURNALIST PARTICIPATION: Journalists wishing to participate on-line, please send an email to Please indicate your name, media you represent, and language preference (English, German, French and Spanish can be accommodated), and you will receive a link by email.

GENERAL PUBLIC: The public in general can view the online English-language live stream on
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Monday, April 8, 2024

From the Oasis Plan for Israel Palestine to the World Land Bridge and the BRICS

 We around have been pushing peace through development for a long time. LaRouche started with the ideas of stopping the division of the world after the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Communist bloc. That was the Productive Triangle of Paris Berlin and Vienna. And later the Europe-Asia Landbridge and the Chinese turned that into the Belt and Road and the Brics in 29013.

And we continue with the Oasis Plan, water not war, for the Middle East, for Israel Palestine.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Stop war in Israel Palestine

 Conference on middle east peace plan

Oasis plan conference April 13

 Stop genocide now. Peace thru development.

Sign up to online conference stop #israel #gaza war