Sunday, April 17, 2011

Glass- Steagall is the Message Harlem Dudes

Glass-Steagall is separating the bankers from the bubble.  It has been reintroduced into the House of Reps by Marcie Kaptur of Ohio, along with Jones of North Carolina.  It means saving the USA, Harlem Dudes so get into it, from your t-shirts to your toes.  Getting off the {Titanic}, finding some vehicle which represents reasonable alternative to sinking, and going down with it. And planning a future on the assumption that you’re going to be alive tomorrow morning. And that’s what you do in warfare, or warfare-like situations. You know what you can control, you know what you can’t control, and what do you do? You think about what you should do, if you’re going to survive to be able to do it! Because that’s what counts.

It’s like the question of sudden death, which happens to people, for all kinds of reasons. Suddenly, they’re dead! Now, what’s their plan to do something after they’re dead? It’s not a very interesting subject. So therefore, you think about what you’re going to do, if you’re alive, if you’re still alive in the morning. And you concentrate on those things, which the conditions may give you the opportunity to carry out. And that’s what you do under combat conditions in warfare, if you’re sane.

But the Baby-Boomer generation, doesn’t think that way. Remember them, from ‘68: They don’t think that way. They think in terms of denial. They didn’t think about a future, they thought about chaos. They worshipped chaos, they sought to create chaos, the spread gonorrhea. That was one of their contributions to science, in case somebody needed a lot of specimens to examine.

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