Showing posts with label iowa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iowa. Show all posts

Monday, December 11, 2017

The Iowa China Mafia

Read about the Iowa China Mafia... very good story.  This is a very positive connection to China typified by former Iowa Governor, and present U.S. Ambassador to China, Terry Branstad. This is part of Trump's window to China and to credit and trade. The article was published in the Iowa Des Moines Register newspaper.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Cancel the US Congress's Recess

Hey Harlem dudes, big fight in Congress, is it Glass Steagall Act time?  I hope so.

LaRouche PAC organizers continued to intervene in Washington, D.C., today, demanding that the planned congressional recess be cancelled so as to address the looming financial collapse and the threat of thermonuclear war by reinstating Glass- Steagall and removing Barack Obama from office.
Thus far a number of Congressmen have called for the Congress to stay in session on the basis of lesser issues. On Monday, Rep. Gerald Connally (D-VA), Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA), and Gov. Bob McDonnell (R-VA) attended a rally in Arlington, VA, demanding that Congress stay in session to head off the budget sequestration by passing a budget.
At a press conference early Wednesday, Rep. John Larson (D-Conn.) explained how Congress is leaving the American people at a time when they need it most, before passing the Jobs Bill and Farm Bill. Larson said, "As one of my constituents put it, why are you leaving us in this dark abyss of uncertainty?"
In a July 31 letter to House Speaker John Boehner, Rep. Dave Loebsack (D-Iowa) said the House should stay in session to take action before the U.S. Postal Service defaults on a payment to its Retiree Health Benefit Fund which will default on its obligation to pay $5.5 billion on Aug. 1 and on another $5.6 billion in September. Loebsack wrote: "This and many other critical issues are facing families, businesses, and farmers, and as the Speaker of the House, I call on you to keep the House in session and get the work of the American people done."
On Wednesday, Boehner and other top House Republicans said they will immediately call the House back into session if the Senate takes action regarding the threat posed by the defense sequester and potential expiration of all the George W. Bush-era tax cuts.