Showing posts with label larouche pac. Show all posts
Showing posts with label larouche pac. Show all posts

Friday, August 5, 2011

Occupy Wall St. Movement

Hey Harlem, it's time to join the occupy Wall St. movement.  At a Aug. 2nd "Occupy Wall Street" rally, Sare

addressed the activists, gathered at the infamous Wall Street bull statue to oppose the debt-ceiling deal, and

oppose budget cuts which are destroying peoples' lives, while Wall Street

financial elite are protected.  Diane Sare is the local LaRouche PAC candidate on the 6 candidate slate across the USA.

A large rally is planned for Sept. 17. Sare participated in planning discussions with the "Occupy

Wall Street" movement, who are modelling themselves after the young "Indignados" of Spain and Greece.

Sare reports that there was an excellent response from the

crowd, and especially from the young people, from the activist

age groups. They were familiar with, and friendly to LaRouche.

They were actively backing Glass-Steagall, which is part of their

list of action points, for which they are fighting.

The Aug. 2 rally was initiated earlier this Summer, by

organizers associated with the three-week-long Bloombergville

encampment in New York City in June and July, called to oppose

Mayor Bloomberg's murderous budget cuts.

Known as NYABC--New Yorkers Against Budget Cuts--the

grouping, through multiple websites and networks, issued an open

invitation to "a General Assembly on Wall Street" Aug. 2, the

NYABC stated, "National politicians are using the Aug. 2 deadline

on raising the debt ceiling as an excuse to attack social

programs we are entitled to by law -- Social Security, food

stamps, Medicare/Medicaid, and so on. In the midst of massive and

growing joblessness, and increased homelessness, the president

and Congress are hatching an agreement to swap massive cuts to

such social programs for meager new revenues."

The statement then attacks the banks for being responsible

for the crisis: "Even the money the government has used to bail

out the banks comes from our paychecks. We have a right to demand

that the money be used to invest in jobs, education, health care

and infrastructure not bankers speculation... Tell Wall Street

and the bankers no!"

Friday, December 24, 2010

The Political Bomb, the Fuse is Lit Harlem

Hey Harlem NY dudes, it has already happened!  When the Congress failed to act,
before the election, they made the result inevitable.  The
election has happened.  The fuse is burning down, all the time
that the election was in process, because the Congress had made
the decision not to do anything.  The election happened.  Days
passed.  The fuse is still burning down.  The full explosive
charge is there, and the fuse is lit.  And you're going to say,
"Well, maybe it won't happen"?  Who's pulling the fuse?  As long
as nobody pulls the fuse, it's happening.  And it has already
happened:  {The fuse has been lit.  The charge is there.  If
nobody does something to pull the fuse, it's going off!}

            Now, what do we got?  We got a six-man team, I understand.
That's good! That certainly is good, it's an improvement isn't
it?  [laughs] --This refers to the 6-person team of Larouche Pac candidates
for Congress in Democratic primaries for the year 2012.

            Anyway, so, the problem we have is exactly that.  Look at
the situation out there, objectively:  What's the situation with
the people in the states?  Bomb, again!  Lit fuse,  on the state
level.  What is being said about the situation in the states?
What was said in a television program this week, on the what's
happening in the states?  In other words, the states have already
gone down, and what was said on that broadcast, nothing is going
to be done about it.  It's already happened... unless somebody
pulls the fuse.
            Don't talk about statistics.  Don't talk about projects.
See, every idiot in the United States and Europe believes in
statistics.  They believe in statistical forecasting; they
believe in probability, statistical forecasting, and that's not
the way history works.
            It's already happened!  It's gone!  What're you going to do
about it?
            Well, I would suggest, we go to the 25th Amendment.  Now,
what's our problem of going to the 25th Amendment?   ---We have
to get people, including Biden and Hillary Clinton, to realize that Obama
is mad and has to go.

The problem is, and this comes back to the six-person team:  now the six
person team is not six representatives from six different states.
It's not that kind of a team.  It's a committee; it's a national
committee, of candidates for national office, representing
states.  It's a committee within the body of what is going to
become the Congress.  And when we've lit the fuse on creating the
future Congress, under these circumstances, the Congress is
almost as good as ready to go off.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Obama Takes it Hard in Union Square, NYC, NY

Obama and his democratic minions are being disrupted. They are having town-hall meetings, but they are so full of sh#t that they soon may stop doing that. In fact, today this spilled out into the street at 14th St and 4th Avenue in Manhattan New York's Union Square area. Pro Obama activists went nuts when Larouche Pac organizers exposed Obama's plan as including Nazi-style health care rationing and a dictatorial health care control board. These episodes have drawn widespread media attention, except they won't talk about the geezer and the reality of a state and federal collapse heading this way by October 15th. Polls showing a decline in support for President Barack Obama and his agenda as evidence that public support is lacking for his health care bill. I wonder why.