Showing posts with label work. Show all posts
Showing posts with label work. Show all posts

Thursday, August 12, 2010

99ers Rally in New York for Survival

We could be in desperate straits soon, Harlem and Bronx dudes. That is why we need to get the Glass- Steagall bill to stop the bailout, and separate deposit banking from investment speculation. We can outlaw derivatives or simply stop insuring them. Then, after Obama is out, we can build the Nawapa project, the famous water from Alaska project, and put millions back to work, start and save private contracting companies, and start being the United States again... before it's too late.
Get down with Larouchepac and into the groove, baby.

No wonder Obama wants to let Pelosi and the unconstitutional OCE lynch Cong. Charlie Rangel. Hey Harlem dudes, you are not the only one who has it rough. Now have you figured out why Obama must go? Don't wait to become a 99er. The 99ers are people who have exhausted their 99 weeks of unemployment and now are living with relatives or near desperation. The 99ers are a new organization sponsored by certain trade union network, and their plight is real. They demonstrated on Wall St. today in New York City, NY. Some say that "even McDonald's won't hire me." Time to get down with the movement now.