Thursday, February 11, 2010

Harlem, see BB King, the Rocking Guitarist

BB King is the undead, and is playing Harlem or at least Washington Heights, NYC on Friday Feb. 12th, Valentine's Day. The location is the United Palace Theater at 4140 Broadway. The Ambassador of the Blues is known for his hits like Lucille. Lucille's master helped invent electric r&b as we know it with his Sun Records output in the '50s and MCA/Geffen efforts in the '60s, opened four nightclubs bearing his name, served on the board of directors of Little Kids Rock (a terrific charity that provides musical instruments for under-funded public schools), and won enough awards to sink a boat.

Warning, he man is 84 years old but he is still rocking. He is still singing the Blues. With Buddy Guy.

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