Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tea Party and Nuclear Power

LaRouche people are talking to the tea party crowd on the radio, and there are lots of question. Nothing that surprises Harlem dudes. They had questions about nuclear power, which they support, national banking ("Are you talking about Hamilton's National Bank, or the Greenback policy of Lincoln?"), space exploration, and China. They were very open, and Brown and Schlanger took them through an educational on statecraft, LaRouche-style. They were somewhat confused on LaRouche's Roosevelt-style Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) plan, but that led to a discussion of why we need to revive Classical culture in the United States. There was some axiom rattling, but there was clearly a process of self-education underway, as the hosts have all been watching LaRouche webcasts, and studying the LaRouche PAC website. Lots of things to learn from Rachel Brown, who is running against Barney Frank (D, Congressman) in Massachusetts.

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