Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hey, Harlem, the crash is on, and Obama sells out and lies on the Financial Reform bill just passed by the US Senate. In Europe what is going on is a $1 trillion bailout on the first shot. Get ready for hyperinflation like in Germany in 1922-1923. The Volcker rule was a Banker's game, and then the putzes in the Senate did not even enact it. The Real Crash is on.b It is coming to a falling banker zone again on Wall St. The bailout is not working, and we know that Obama's Treasury Dept and the Federal Reserve are in on the bailout of the Euro, through currency swap. It was meaningless in terms of controlling the derivatives in any case. This could explode, as the derivative dealers all bet in the same direction at the same time. That is how you had the 1,000 drop in the Dow Jones on May 6. Hey Harlem, get down with the groove and LaRouche.

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