Showing posts with label bronx african obama mccain harlem. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bronx african obama mccain harlem. Show all posts

Monday, April 4, 2011

So Obama Wants Reelection

Hey Harlem, NY this Obama wants to be reelected.  Can't we throw him out first? 

As Lyndon LaRouche noted today, the desperate current occupant of the White House seems intent on announcing

his wish to be re-elected--before he is thrown out of office.

The exact date and time of the release of the annnouncement

this week is going to be determined by when the regime reaches an

agreement with the Congressional No Government Other Than Police

State Caucus on how to bury the budget hatchet in the backs of

the American population. The announcement for what was once the

highest office in the land is to come in some form of electronic

message (maybe a tweet?), according to Democratic Party hacks in

the European British and American British media.

On April 14, the Man from Hope n' Change intends to hold his

first re-election fundraiser in Chicago. The delusion is to raise

$1 billion for the campaign to spread around. [fhb]


April 3 (LPAC)--The radiclib website prominently

posted a piece by blogger Bin Quick on March 31 calling for the

current encroachment on the nation's Executive Mansion to be

ousted via Section 4 of the 25th Amendment of the Constitution.

The piece, which was given homepage coverage through April 2,

concludes its first paragraph with, ``Barack Obama's failure to

stand up to the Republican Party has endangered America's

economy, social safety-net, and national security. Barack Obama

is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, and

he doesn't have the required leadership qualities to lead the

Democratic Party or America. I urge Vice President Biden and the

Cabinet to remove Barack Obama under the provisions of the 25th

Amendment, Section 4. In the event Vice President Biden and the

Cabinet fail, I beg Sec. Hillary Clinton to resign immediately

and announce her candidacy for President in 2012.'' The piece,

entitled, ``My Pledge to the Democratic Party,'' was initially

posted on the Bin Quick blog last Dec. 3. [fhb]

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Financial Crisis, Don't Lose Your T-Shirts

Financial Crisis report is here, so get down with Commission chair Phil Angelides
The pro-Obama self-described progressives at the Campaign
for America's Future complained about the White House's icy
silence on the Angelides Commision. Wrote the CAF's Sam Pizzigati
on Feb. 5: "Blue-ribbon reports, to make an impact, need
political patrons, elected leaders who'll talk the report content
up, in news conferences and speeches, and demand immediate action
to correct the ills that report content identifies. The Pecora
Commission report had plenty of those patrons, including
President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Financial Crisis Inquiry
Commission has had virtually none. The White House has done next
to nothing to give the report legs, and neither have many
Democratic lawmakers."

Obama, time to see the light of reality.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Chinese Agency Downgrades the Dollar

You heard it here Harlem Dudes.  The dollar as an investment vehicle has been downgraded by a major Chinese rating agency, from A+ down to A-.  This is the result of the insanity of the Federal Reserve, combined with the acquiescence of the mad President Obama, to plan to print $1 trillion in dollars for no reason.  The dollar is not an investment vehicle anymore, it is a toy for Wall St. and the City of London to play with.  Gold, silver, and other commodities like food are going up and up more.  We have tears and sweat and pain, until we get Glass Steagall banking reorganization, cut-up and divide the big banks, fixed exchange rates internationally, and big infrastructure projects.  Time to build North American Water and Power Alliance (NAWAPA) and give Obama the chance to get out under the 25th Amendment.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Harlem NY and Foreclosures

The foreclosures are hitting , and Obama won't even let Cuomo defend us from this crap.
New York State AG Andrew Cuomo sent letters to the top four mortgage servers (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, and GMAC), seeking documents and information, and demanding they suspend all foreclosures until their practices adhere to state law. Florida AG Bill McCollum sent letters to Bank of America, J.P. Morgan, Goldman Sachs' Litton Loan Servicing unit, and two other mortgage services, demanding they meet with him as soon as possible.

By midday, every state in the union had signed onto the statement issued by the National Association of Attorneys General, announcing they would "attempt to speak with one voice" in addressing what the statement politely calls "procedural defects" in the affidavits issued by mortgage loan servicers. "The facts uncovered in our review will dictate the scope of our inquiry," they stated.

In a related development, JPMorgan Chase extended its own de facto foreclosure moratorium to 41 states.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hey, Harlem, the crash is on, and Obama sells out and lies on the Financial Reform bill just passed by the US Senate. In Europe what is going on is a $1 trillion bailout on the first shot. Get ready for hyperinflation like in Germany in 1922-1923. The Volcker rule was a Banker's game, and then the putzes in the Senate did not even enact it. The Real Crash is on.b It is coming to a falling banker zone again on Wall St. The bailout is not working, and we know that Obama's Treasury Dept and the Federal Reserve are in on the bailout of the Euro, through currency swap. It was meaningless in terms of controlling the derivatives in any case. This could explode, as the derivative dealers all bet in the same direction at the same time. That is how you had the 1,000 drop in the Dow Jones on May 6. Hey Harlem, get down with the groove and LaRouche.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Bronx Week Party

The endless summer parties of New York are here. There was the Bronx Week celebration on Mosholu Parkway. While children ran and played on the grass, various native bands and singers performed. A special African celebration was on the same turf a bit up the road.

Next party, if no rain, is Sunday, June 29th at the Hub, 3rd avenue and East 149th St. So if the endless collapse and the impotent socalled Pres candidates, Barak Obama and John McCain are getting you down, why not party? From hip hop to African drums, it is here in the Bronx and Harlem.