Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Syria Hurt Obama's Feelings

Syria has committed the crime of hurting Obama's feelings.  So Obama will make a bigger attack, even to risk nuclear war with Russia and China.  As the examiner.com says:

Could the president be contemplating sending troops into harm’s way because his feelings were hurt? It’s not beyond the realm of possibility. Obama has never responded well to taunting, as exemplified by his overreaction to protesters during a 2011 fundraiser in San Francisco. When a group of American citizens chided, “We paid our dues, where’s our change?” the president was visibly irritated. So deep was his displeasure that when a reporter with the San Francisco Chronicle recorded the incident on her cell phone, the White House banned her from covering future presidential visits to the Bay Area.
The televised mockery of Obama on the other side of the Atlantic is not a first. In a TV news report from American “ally” Russia, the anchor flips a middle finger salute at the same moment she intones the president’s name.

The oligarchy has their Obama sex toy.  They want war and genocide to prove their power, and for amusement.  That is why we must get Glass-Steagall immediately, and bankrupt the speculators.

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