Saturday, March 15, 2014

Going Crazy with Obama

Hey Harlem Dudes, Obama is crazy, but will you survive the madness???
March 14, 2014
That question is not our creation, but the headline
of a message sent out to a very large group of
Washington diplomatic and military figures (cur
rent and retired) by Ambassador Chas Freeman, a
former member of the Obama Administration’s
Defense Department and a veteran of the diplo
matic service, going back to 1972. While Freeman
did not write the message, he thought the content
should go out.
We quote it in part:
“I have NEVER in my entire life witnessed
such BRAIN-DEAD decisions coming from the
Obama Administration in any government in the
world or former administrations. To impose sanc
tions on Russia is absolutely INSANE!!!! That
puts Putin in a box that he cannot escape from, for
if he relaxes, he is then seen as weak at home and
the hardliners will eat him alive. Obama has just
made the crisis far worse.
“Russia has retorted and it will now CANCEL
all nuclear treaties. It can shut off the energy to
Europe and watch them crawl. Now, any interna
tional observers will NEVER get into Crimea. We
have dumb and dumber at the helm here. Obama is
doing EVERYTHING perfectly wrong and this es
calation will only grow far worse. Even China has
rejected Obama’s sanctions. Just what did he expect?
Putin will suddenly say, gee, I was wrong? Come
on. This is like some stupid fight with his wife—
‘and I refuse to talk until you do what I say.’.
, this is no way to run a government. You
cannot humiliate Putin and actually expect prog
ress; this is inviting war. You cannot defeat China
& Russia. So what is anyone trying to accomplish
here? Freedom and Liberty for All?”
The question posed deserves a serious answer.
the aim of this insane, provocative behav
ior by Obama?
The answer is what most strategic thinkers,
including in the targeted countries like Russia and
China, want to avoid. Obama is not acting “on his
own” or from his own convictions; he is, whether
he knows it or not, following a script which was
written for him by the British monarchy, and
which is intended to force Russia and China to ca
pitulate to their demands. The result of such a ca
pitulation, as intended as well, is to suppress tech
nological progress and carry out a
policy worldwide, in a mode similar to that of the
Roman Empire, which carried out a dramatic
depopulation campaign during its dominant
And if Russia will
capitulate, the British
Empire may just be insane enough to have their
puppet Obama “push the thermonuclear button,”
exterminating most of the population of the planet.
This reality shouldn’t surprise anyone who has
watched what the British imperial financial system
has been doing over the decades since President
Kennedy’s death. The deep-sixing of advanced
technologies such as nuclear and fusion power,
the degradation of living standards, the collapse
of basic infrastructure, the degeneration of cul
ture—it all parallels the Roman imperial “experi
ment.” Contrast today the slashing of pensions
and health care in EU-dominated Western Europe,
with the increased wages and drive for scientific
advance in Eurasia, and you see both what future
the Empire offers, and what it wishes to loot and
The Empire’s most dangerous tool, Barack
Obama, must be removed from power now! He has
repeatedly shown himself to be simply an instru
ment for Wall Street and the British, who want to
kill billions. The
people who reject this horror

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