Showing posts with label brics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label brics. Show all posts

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Not Climate Change Harlem, China Development

 Hey Harlem and Bronx NY, we know what time it is.

 The issue is not climate change, it is economic development, it is going to space and getting Helium-3 on the moon for fusion power.  Time to impeach Obama and get with the program.  now.

At Joint Press Conference With Obama, Xi Extends Invitation to US to Join New Silk Road | LaRouchePAC

Much hype is being made in the press and by the U.S delegation about the
agreement signed on climate change. In the Climate Change Agreement,
China commits to bring its use of "non-fossil fuels" by 2030 to around
20%. The U.S. promises to reduce CO2 gas emissions by 2028 to below 2005
levels. While the U.S. was pushing such a climate change agreement as
the only real area of cooperation they have had with China for which
they wanted some "deliverable agreement," and China, for its own
reasons, went along with it, it should be noted that "non-fossil fuels,"
in the Chinese view also includes nuclear energy, which, of course, the
U.S. side never mentions. China additionally wants to bring down the
pollution caused by fossil fuels in China, but the agreements reached
with the U.S. are not binding. And, judging from the reaction of a
Republican-dominated U.S. Congress, the indicated cuts may be prove well
beyond the ability of the lame-duck President to deliver. 

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Creativity and China

Harlem NY can groove on China and on water.  Before all those Western US people have to migrate here.

China is sparking creativity, with its program to mine the Moon for Helium-3 for fusion power.  We can have a future we can have progress.  We need China to help the United States.  The Western US is doomed to drought and not enough water unless we set up for desalination, for water from Alaska, to create water.  China is the center of the BRICS countries- Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, with new credit, a new financial system for rebuilding the world.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Harlem Detroit and Gaza to BRICS

We Harlem T-shirt dudes in NYC know that the genocide banker bullies are after us, not just in Detroit Mich where they cut off the water, and not just in bombed-out Gaza.  The system is bankrupt and something will go fast.  Argentina will blow out in 2 days.  Russia will blow back real hard.  The thieves have been caught, the BRICS are organizing, Brazil, Russia, Inda,etc, and the fight is on.  Glass Steagall Act bankruptcy reorganization or die, for sure.  Down with the British Empire, financial system and oligarchy.  Yukos to you!!

Hi to my fans in India, Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, or Kolkatta.