Showing posts with label obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label obama. Show all posts

Sunday, June 10, 2012

To Obama with Hate

They used to sing, to Sir with Love, but now it is to Obama with Hate.  Get it Harlem Dudes?  Blame it on Obama's white devil mother.

eports from both the West Virginia and Texas Democratic Party conventions LaRouche activists attended this weekend had three things in common: widespread support for Glass-Steagall; no love for Obama; but very little courage to challenge the Obama diktats pushed by Party leaders. The one exception was West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin, who was being threatened with rebuke or censure for statements he has made against Obama. Though he made no overt criticism of Obama in his speech, he pointedly left Obama out when he read the roll of great Democratic Presidents, in which he included FDR, Truman (sic), JFK and Bill Clinton. It was lost on no one that he excluded mention of Obama. A resolution passed, with almost no debate, directed at Manchin and Gov. Tomlin, resolving that "all state and national candidates must publicly support and endorse all party office holders for state and national office, including the head of the Democratic Party, and our President, Barack Obama."

The LaRouche activists attending the West Virginia convention got 111 signatures on a Glass-Steagall resolution. At one point, a labor official was directing delegates over to us, telling them to sign the Glass-Steagall petition.

Delegates to the Texas Democratic convention in Houston were greeted with a page one op ed in the Houston Chronicle which said, "Why bother?" It characterized the party as irrelevant and defeated. The small number of delegates attending showed some life, as many greeted Kesha Rogers (the just-elected Democratic nominee for the 22nd district) by saying "We support you, I'm glad you won, keep fighting", as they scurried away, so no one would see them. On Obama, the attitude expressed was we agree with you, he's an SOB, but he's better than the other SOB! There was recognition of the European crisis, some were aware of the war danger, most supported Glass-Steagall, but no one challenged a State Democratic Executive Committee (SDEC) resolution which was rammed through, which said in effect that Kesha Rogers is not a Democrat, so no Democrat should support her. Supporters of Kesha Rogers were greeted with support however when they held a rally outside the convention center Saturday morning. Despite official orders to keep her out, Kesha did address both the Veterans Caucus and the Progressive Caucus.

Kesha is the greatest, LaRouche is right, and Obama sucks.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

David Sirota: Obama Isn't a Liberal

This is by David Sirota from and it sort of confirms what has been saying for weeks.  This is Obama's coup against the constitution in the guise of the debt deal and the super congress:

Barack Obama is a lot of things -- eloquent, dissembling, conniving, intelligent and, above all, calm. But one thing he is not is weak.

This basic truth is belied by the meager Obama criticism you occasionally hear from liberal pundits and activists. They usually stipulate that the president genuinely wants to enact the progressive agenda he campaigned on, but they gently reprimand him for failing to muster the necessary personal mettle to achieve that goal. In this mythology, he is "President Pushover," as the New York Times columnist Paul Krugman recently labeled him.

This story line is a logical fallacy. Most agree that today's imperial presidency almost singularly determines the course of national politics. Additionally, most agree that Obama is a brilliant, Harvard-trained lawyer who understands how to wield political power.

Considering this, and further considering Obama's early congressional majorities, it is silly to insist that the national political events during Obama's term represent a lack of presidential strength or will. And it's more than just silly -- it's a narcissistic form of wishful thinking coming primarily from liberals who desperately want to believe "their" president is with them.

Such apologism, of course, allows liberals to avoid the more painful truth that Obama is one of America's strongest presidents ever and is achieving exactly what he wants.

Obama is not a flaccid Jimmy Carter, as some of his critics insist. He is instead a Franklin Delano Roosevelt -- but a bizarro FDR. He has mustered the legislative strength of his New Deal predecessor -- but he has channeled that strength into propping up the very forces of "organized money" that FDR once challenged.

On healthcare, for instance, Obama passed a Heritage Foundation-inspired bailout of the private health insurance industry, all while undermining other more-progressive proposals. On foreign policy, he escalated old wars and initiated new ones. On civil liberties, he not only continued the Patriot Act and indefinite detention of terrorism suspects but also claimed the right to assassinate American citizens without charge.

On financial issues, he fought off every serious proposal to reregulate banks following the economic meltdown; he preserved ongoing bank bailouts; and he resisted pressure to prosecute Wall Street thieves. On fiscal matters, after extending the Bush tax cuts at a time of massive deficits, he has used the debt ceiling negotiations to set the stage for potentially massive cuts to Social Security and Medicare -- cuts that would be far bigger than any of his proposed revenue increases.

As hideous and destructive as it is, this record is anything but weak. It is, on the contrary, demonstrable proof of Obama's impressive political muscle, especially because polls show he has achieved these goals despite the large majority of Americans who oppose them.

Importantly, though, Obama himself has not suffered from equally negative polling numbers. While his approval rating is not terrific, he is in decent shape for reelection -- and, more significantly, he has suffered only a minimal erosion of Democratic support. He is relatively popular, in other words, despite advocating wildly unpopular policies. Thanks to that reality, every one of his stunning legislative triumphs now has the previously unprecedented imprimatur of rank-and-file Democratic support.

In forging such bipartisan complicity with what were once exclusively right-wing Republican objectives, Obama has achieved even more than what he fantasized about when he famously celebrated a previous bizarro FDR. In an illustrative 2008 interview with a Nevada newspaper, Obama lauded Ronald Reagan for "chang[ing] the trajectory of America" and "put[ting] us on a fundamentally different path."

Reagan was a truly strong executive -- but the Gipper was nothing compared to our current president.

David Sirota is a best-selling author of the new book "Back to Our Future: How the 1980s Explain the World We Live In Now." He hosts the morning show on AM760 in Colorado. E-mail him at, follow him on Twitter @davidsirota or visit his website at More: David Sirota

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Obama Threatens to Steal Social Security

Hey Harlem T-shirt people, Obama is going crazy and wants to steal your Social Security.

Claiming that "we are running out of time," President Obama today demanded that Democrats and

Republicans compromise on a budget-slashing plan in order to mollify Wall

Street and the financial markets. Obama stated that such a

fascist compromise is necessary so that Social Security and

veteran's benefits can be paid. This, despite the fact that

Social Security payments are made from a trust fund which is

completely separate from budget appropriations.

Obama stressed that "this is not a situation where the two

parties are miles apart." He said Democrats and Republicans are

"in rough agreement" how how much can be cut in the first round,

and that they agree that the next step is tax reform and

entitlement (Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid) reform, and

that he will support an "enforcement mechanism." (What is being

discussed are mandatory cuts, and the creation of a 12-member

Congressional committee--outside regular order--which would

mandate brutal budget cuts.)

And, demonstrating his oligarchical outlook, and obsession

with LaRouche, Obama blurted out the following: "There are a lot

of crises in the world that we can't always predict or avoid:

hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, terrorist attacks. This isn't

one of these crises."

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Could Obama be Impeached?

Could Obama be impeached?  It looks that way with the war on Libya, without an endorsement by the U.S. Congress, as specified by the War Powers Act.  I have one other question, which is on a different subject,

which is -- that's one aspect; the other thing that came up in a
discussion we had this morning. Sky was there also. It's on the
video that Matt produced. And he had a real inclination towards
that I think was the main point in your memo "Sleepers Awake!"

And Sky brought up that he could have, by the end of that video,

he had made the case on the War Powers Act, Obama's violation of

the War Powers Act, {so well}, he had the audience, fully. And

could have brought the audience to a much higher conception,

around what he started the video with, and what was featured in

your memo.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Killing Medicaid is about Killing

Vice-President Joe Biden, managing Obama's killer

budget cut negotiations with Congress, has declared,

"Everything--including entitlements (Medicare and Social

Security)--is on the table." But in fact, the uprising by

citizens at Town Halls over threats to cut Social Security and

Medicare, has made cuts in Medicaid the Obama gang's opening

focus--the "backdoor" approach to mass killing of the elderly,

because they calculate it's not as politically explosive.

Many Americans think Medicaid is a program for poor people,

while they consider Social Security and Medicare as programs

which provide retirement income and health benefits to workers

which workers themselves pay a tax for every payday. The truth

is, while 77% of the 58 million people enrolled in Medicaid are

children and families, and only 23% are elderly or disabled, in

fact, 64% of the money Medicaid spends is spent on older and

disabled people. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, 7 of

every 10 nursing home residents are on Medicaid, because

middle-class patients can quickly use up their savings at nursing

homes which charge $5,000-7,000 per month. Then, they need

Medicaid to stay there.

The "block grant" mechanism is proposed as the way to cut

Medicaid--once the allotted money is spent, treatment is over.

The state can decide how its block grant is spent--it could

exclude certain life-saving procedures, like organ transplants,

as was done in Arizona. A modern twist to the Hitlerian idea:

once the block grant, the pittance allotted after the Federal

government bails out the banks has been used up, your life is

"unworthy to be lived." As Lyndon LaRouche said today, "Let the

banks die--we can create new banks anytime!"

In Florida's "pilot program" to reduce Medicaid spending,

the program is being turned over to HMOs to manage the care "more

efficiently." Florida's proposed new Medicaid law "requires that

HMO organizations be paid less for each patient than what the

state has paying under the "fee for service" system"--where, if a

doctor prescribes treatment, the state must pay for it.

The House Republican budget plan would throw as many as 44

million low-income adults and children out of Medicaid over the

next 10 years and likely leave them with no health care coverage,

according to a new study by the Kaiser Family Foundation. [agg]

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Harlem NY Middle Class, Where are you

Hey Harlem, NY, things are getting pretty rough. Unless we in the United States get Glass-Steagall type legislation to separate the global speculative bubble aka investment banking, from deposit banking, like what was done in 1933, the middle class is not just shrinking, it is finished, like the nation in general.

There has been a bit of attention to a blog, which also has gotten play from Yahoo Tech Ticker and Yahoo Finance. This blog is edited by Mitch Snyder and has some good stuff. The blog has had a particularly good report on the local and state budget cuts and the coming collapse of police, and fireman services. The blog is also a trenchant attack on the idiocies of globalism and of allowing so many manufacturing and other jobs to be outsourced to China and East Asia. To change it, time to go with the LaRouche youth movement now.

Don't get sucked into symbolic right-wing (or left-wing) causes. Unless we have an economy again and stop bailing out the financial bubble aka the Inter-Alpha banking group of Lord Jacob Rothschild, aka the British Empire, we will fail. Don't believe the hype. We need the LaRouche Youth Movement, their candidates and their program. And yes, Obama must be gotten out safely but soon. As hard as it is, reports are that September 2010 is the deadline to get Obama out and avoid the consequences. It is ironic that the Arizona state legislation wants local police to also serve as immigration enforcement officers at a time when local police are being cut and shrunk.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Harlem Gets it on against the Speculators

Hey Harlem, want to rip off Goldman Sachs' balls? Then get it on for Glass-Steagall, under the McCain-Cantwell amendment. Hey, Obama is a worse racist for the British Empire than McCain ever was, and McCain is showing he is an American patriot for the Glass-Steagall bill, to separate investment, speculative games from the bank deposits, the deposit banks.

ush the Glass-Steagall Reform Through, Ruthlessly
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May 17, 2010 (LPAC)—LPAC-TV has posted a new 13-minute video on the website, "LaRouche on the Record: Glass-Steagall or Die," which succinctly reviews Lyndon LaRouche's unique, leading role in the decisive battle to reimpose the Glass-Steagall standard in the U.S. and internationally. In its concluding section, it presents Lyn's call, delivered at his May 8 webcast, for an all-out mobilization to ram the policy through:

"Go with this Glass-Steagall reform, now! Push it through, ruthlessly... If we do it, we can win. The potential is there. But we have to do it. We have to insist that everybody goes and supports this. As far as we're concerned, every patriotic American will support this Glass-Steagall reform. If they don't do it, if they're not full-bent on doing it, then they're not really patriots. Because we need this strategically, to save the United States! We need this to save the world. If we are saved by this action, we will save the world. As poor and miserable as we are, as a factor in world history, when the other side is much poorer than we are, in terms of resources and capability, we can win. So, let's go out there and win. And beat these bastards."

The bastards—Obama's British masters—have delivered an explicit threat to the United States, that they consider Glass-Steagall an act of "hostility" against them. And Obama is, lawfully, set to fight against Glass-Steagall to the death. But Obama, Lyn elaborated in discussions yesterday, is now being swamped by a problem which even he is probably smart enough to realize has him boxed in. Things that were meant to work, and in the past have worked, are not working now. As a result, there is real desperation in their camp. The whole situation can backfire on them, because the usual methods just don't work anymore. And they are running out of time to produce results, as the Cantwell- McCain Glass-Steagall amendment moves towards a vote on the Senate floor, in the early part of this coming week.

Their problem is that the usual tactics of terrifying people into line, are now just getting people angry, and can produce a backfire effect—as (soon to be former) Sen. Bob Bennett of Utah can tell you all about. Normal things just don't work anymore. Just how successful that "not working" will be, Lyn said, remains to be seen. We will have to find out the hard way, by our focussed mobilization to ram through the Glass-Steagall bill. The coming weeks will be critical—perhaps the most decisive that any of us have ever lived through. Last week's rapid-paced developments saw Lyn's May 8 webcast, at exactly the point that the Eurozone was melting down; the lunatic super-TARP attempted bailout with $1 trillion-plus in funny-money, accompanied by fascist austerity; and the placement of the Cantwell-McCain amendment on the Senate agenda, forced by a growing mass strike uproar that is reflected in 78% popular support for the measure. So get it on, and screw Obama!

Harlem Glass-Steagall to Castrate Goldman Sachs

ush the Glass-Steagall Reform Through, Ruthlessly
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If Harlem NY wants to castrate Goldman Sachs, you must have Glass Steagall, under the McCain-Cantwell amendment to the financial reform bill. The bastards—Obama's British masters—have delivered an explicit threat to the United States, that they consider Glass-Steagall an act of "hostility" against them. And Obama is, lawfully, set to fight against Glass-Steagall to the death. But Obama, Lyn elaborated in discussions yesterday, is now being swamped by a problem which even he is probably smart enough to realize has him boxed in. Things that were meant to work, and in the past have worked, are not working now. As a result, there is real desperation in their camp. The whole situation can backfire on them, because the usual methods just don't work anymore. And they are running out of time to produce results, as the Cantwell- McCain Glass-Steagall amendment moves towards a vote on the Senate floor, in the early part of this coming week. This time we got to get it on, Harlem, from the Apollo Theater to the George Washington Bridge, for Glass-Steagall.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Harlem Needs Action on the Banks

The crash is on again. The problem is not just Greece and the Euro. The geezer is right, the system needs to be replaced and Glass-Steagall the separation of bank deposits from the investment casino has been introduced as a bill into the US Senate. That is the McCain (R- Arizona) Cantwell (D- Washington) bill. This will separate out the goats from the patriots, and make Obama choose sanity or evil. The 1,000 point sudden drop in the stock market (Dow and other markets) on Thursday showed how insane this has become now.

The economy needs help Harlem, with the need for Federal credit and lots of infrastructure, construction and other jobs. But, before that we have to end the gambling casino game. The game must die, of derivatives, side bets and options and poptions.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Tea Party and Nuclear Power

LaRouche people are talking to the tea party crowd on the radio, and there are lots of question. Nothing that surprises Harlem dudes. They had questions about nuclear power, which they support, national banking ("Are you talking about Hamilton's National Bank, or the Greenback policy of Lincoln?"), space exploration, and China. They were very open, and Brown and Schlanger took them through an educational on statecraft, LaRouche-style. They were somewhat confused on LaRouche's Roosevelt-style Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) plan, but that led to a discussion of why we need to revive Classical culture in the United States. There was some axiom rattling, but there was clearly a process of self-education underway, as the hosts have all been watching LaRouche webcasts, and studying the LaRouche PAC website. Lots of things to learn from Rachel Brown, who is running against Barney Frank (D, Congressman) in Massachusetts.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Should Obama Be Impeached?

Matters have reached the post in the Obama Health care legislation, of more and more treason. It is just a British operation to ration and destroy health care, for the money people. There is the IMAC perpetuity clause in the Senate health care bill. As CSPAN exposed in the case of Nancy Pelosi's secret deals, Obama and company are continually lying. Do they think that their Nazi IMAC provision will get them run out of town, Washington DC? Same thing with Sen. Schumer and Gillebrandt (?) in New York and Harlem. Byron Dorgan (ND- Dem.) and Chris Dodd (Ct.- Dem.) are afraid to run for office.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Gold, Carbon and Currency

Gold frenzy hits Harlem NY, but this could lead to even speculation in the new Carbon futures market. Where can you sell gold in NY? Well, Manhattan Gold Buyers Albert and Sons Jewelry INC is located in New York City’s Diamond District Specializes in buying gold in New York. Albert and Sons is family owned and operated and has been in business in NYC for over 20 years. Harlem, watch out, this speculation can make it expensive for you and me to exist. Tell that to Obama.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Harlem, Where is your Healthcare?

Harlem, where is your health care? Do you really expect to get it from this piece of trash that Obama laid out on Wednesday night? Beware the death panels that is real. If you have a Medicare Commission define the treatment menu for each diagnosis, and after what happens? You get your right to die, or for deep sedation, which after a few days is the same thing by another name. The Medicare Commission of Obama could yield the result similar to the 16.5 percent or more on the deaths each year lately in the UK. And guess who is sponsoring this program? Answer- the British monarchy. They are literally the patrons of the Marie Curie Hospice, and the so-called Liverpool Care Pathway-- to death. Remember Harlem, we had a revolution against these people for a very good reason. Check out these letters from the London Daily Telegraph.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Even Harvard Hates Larry Summers

The following refers to a Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. professor on the topic of Larry Summers, economic adviser and Svengali to the new Pres. Obama. From Larouche Pac. A prominent, long-established Harvard professor told EIR yesterday that Lawrence Summers was seen as a magically successful high priest in the religion of money, by those who worship money as their religion. He suggested that the fact that the economics profession of which Summers is a leader, uses incomprehensible language and irrational constructs, does not detract from but increases the respect and awe granted to him by those in power and by ignorant public opinion.

The professor remarked on the constant, unrelieved fear that gripped the faculty when dealing with Summers as Harvard's president. The fear stemmed both from Summers money-god status — largely acceded to by those who feared him — and his studied practice of insulting and humiliating lower-ranking personnel with whom he interacted. When the faculty was ready to vote on a motion of no-confidence in Summers, no one expected more than a handful to vote in favor of the resolution, because even tenured teachers had dreaded to speak up during his years of bullying. But a majority approved the motion, and this eventually led to Summers' resignation.

Money as god was clearly the religion of the Boston Brahmin-dominated board of the Harvard, which brought Summers in and sustained him as president for five years. The Brahmin directors saw as a brilliant success, the team of Summers and his protégé, Harvard behavioral economist Andrei Shleifer, not despite but precisely because they had looted and had assisted others to loot countless billions from Russia in the 1990s.

Lawfully, during Summers' reign, the Harvard endowment funds were invested in the speculative insanity pronounced sane by the worshipped authorities, and as a result the endowment plunged by billions. As the religion admits no imperfection, Summers was then naturally enough appointed to run the economic policy of the nation. Of course, Harvard lost a bundle in the crash, and now the reports are that they cannot finance the new science campus that they planned in the North Allston section of Boston, Mass., across the Charles River from Cambridge.