Monday, October 9, 2017

Holly Block Dies, Ex Dir of Bronx Museum

The Bronx Museum of the Arts

Holly Block, executive director of the Museum, has died of cancer.

Columbus Poetry- defend Statue

Steer on courageous Sailor,
you won't be the failer...
Now Trump can protect the legacy,
Of the one belt and one road economy.

Hey Harlem NY dudes we're on the road.
It's hard to know but we found the code.
For Columbus and his mission of discovery
Defend his statues and his legacy.

There is great political tension surrounding the preparations the Trump Administration is now making for the President's Asia trip November 3-14 and, crucially, his meetings with President Xi of China.
Confrontations with North Korea and with Iran are intensifying and threaten great, potentially immediate dangers.
But the now strengthening national debate over how to get new infrastructure built in America, after the unprotected "natural disasters" of August and September, sets an agenda for Trump with China, which is building major new projects worldwide in its Belt and Road Initiative.
Trump's own public statements and actions in rushing through emergency funds, recommending public funding of infrastructure and writing off Wall Street's unpayable debts in Puerto Rico, have intentionally provoked this debate and built on Americans' desire to unify and rebuild.
China has wanted to participate in this since President Xi invited Barack Obama's administration to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank; Obama fought it instead. It represents the goals of national common interests, productivity, and connectivity for which China's Belt and Road Initiative was founded in 2013, and first suggested by Lyndon and Helga LaRouche in 1989.

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Poetry China, Trump and the New Silk Road

Watch the video-- The new silk road is coming on fast... meanwhile President Trump will go to China in November. Harlem NY dudes... get in the grooove...

The silk road is on the move.
time to help Trump get the groove
helga zepp larouche playing it smooth
sometimes to get economics to soothe.

Helga Zepp LaRouche, the Founder and Chairwoman of the Schiller Institute, will inaugurate a weekly English-language webcast

Cmon on with the silk road fast...

To spread what she calls the “New Silk Road Spirit” to the world. 
With 60 nations' flags unfurled.

Mrs. LaRouche is one of the most prominent intellectual authors of the concept “The New Silk Road becomes the World Landbridge”. 

Looking out on the high ridge.

Since Chinese President Xi Jinping put the New Silk Road, the Belt and Road Initiative, as it is now called on the agenda four years ago

A beautiful winter is coming, so let it snow. is lifting tens of millions out of poverty, and puts an alternative to the dangerous idea of geopolitical division of the world. Known internationally as “the Silk Road Lady,” Mrs. LaRouche is often featured in the Chinese press for analysis on the BRI, and the global strategic situation.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

See Video, Evil Steve Bannon

Steve Bannon has caught the evil disease from his Wall Street banker friends.  Harlem NY dudes, we gotta keep fighting, because former good guys can become bad guys. Unfortunately, Steve Bannon has joined with the London Economist crowd, in that now he wants a war on China, and at least a trade war on China.... see for more stuff from the Bannon side of things...  Time to axe that, and go with Helga and the new Silk Road.

Bannon is someone who know better, but has joined the anti Larouchepac crowd, probably to suck up more money.....  Another reason why we need Glass Steagall Act now or else we are finished... Stop giving the easy money to Wall Street and the City of London.  China has lifted more than 700 million people out of poverty.  China is organizing e-Commerce... for the poor people.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Poetry of the Criminal Bob Mueller, Prosecutor

 --- so get the poetry of the revolution for justice

Hey Harlem NY dudes... get in the groove about Robert Mueller, the prosecutor creep who IS the criminal. His targeting Pres. Trump, and the American Revolution.

Executive Intelligence Review News Service will release
If you want to keep the peace.
A dossier titled "Robert Mueller Is an Amoral Legal Assassin"
He don't care that he is original sin.

He Will Do His Job If You Let Him
It would be much better to fire him.
The dossier shows the ongoing coup attempt
While Wall Street steals and you can't pay the rent. by the same people who imprisoned Lyndon LaRouche in the 1980s and who prevented the exposure of the role of the Saudis and their British controllers in the terrorist attack on the United States on 9/11/2001. The intention in all three criminal and traitorous acts was to prevent the United States from breaking from the British Empire, returning to the American System of political economy, and joining forces with Russia and China—our allies in defeating fascism in World War II—to defeat the international terrorist apparatus of today, so as to work together in building the world through the New Silk Road process, now being implemented under Chinese leadership.
EIR and its founder Lyndon LaRouche call on all citizens of the world to circulate this dossier widely, as the necessary means of preventing the further descent into chaos and war.
The American population has demonstrated their disgust with the failed effort to claim Russia stole the election from the gullible Americans, and the equally failed effort to portray Trump as both a Russian puppet and a white supremacist. All that is left is the British Star Chamber run by Robert Swan Mueller III, based on his fraudulent appointment as special prosecutor, and the fraudulent document prepared by British MI6 agent Christopher Steele about Trump's supposed subservience to Russian blackmail.
The FBI is now openly obstructing justice by refusing to turn over to the U.S. Congress the documents relating to their cooperation with British Intelligence agent Steele.
The election in Germany on Sunday saw the collapse of the two parties which have led Germany since World War II, rendering Germany—until now the only relatively stable nation in Europe —in an ungovernable state of chaos. Helga Zepp-LaRouche, whose candidacy for Chancellor was blacked out by the European press (even while being interviewed prominently in the Chinese press!), noted that this was yet another demonstration that the austerity and economic hardships imposed by the bankrupt Anglo-American financial system has turned the citizens of Europe and the U.S. against all forms of the failed post-war leadership. This was evidenced by the Brexit, by the Trump election, by revolts against the EU in southern Europe, and now by the breakdown in Germany.
The alternative is clear before us all, as presented by LaRouche's Emergency Plan to restore the American System in the West, and by the United States fully engaging in the New Silk Road process of global win-win development. It is precisely because President Trump has indicated an intention to do both these things that the British and their hit-men on Wall Street and in the leftover Obama intelligence community are frantically trying to depose him.
The Schiller Institute, founded and chaired by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, will escalate its campaigns in the U.S. in the coming days. A weekly address by Mrs. LaRouche, in English, will spearhead a drive to recruit and educate the angry American population, not to simply resist, but to draw on the creative thinkers who gave us modern civilization—e.g., Plato, Confucius, Cusa, Leibniz, Kepler, Bach, Beethoven, Schiller, Vernadsky, Ben Franklin, Alexander Hamilton—to implement the necessary program for the future of humanity based on the dignity of Man. The LaRouche Political Action Committee (LaRouchePAC) will also launch a class series, open to the world, on the economic and scientific method of Lyndon LaRouche, as the necessary armament in the battles ahead. Helga Zepp-LaRouche's advice: "Go like warrior angels!"

Monday, September 18, 2017

US Missile Defense vs North Korea

Can the US missile defense work against North Korean missiles if they attack Japan, South Korea or Guam?  The answer is no... just read Defense website
They know we can't do it... so if we attack North Korea, even if they cannot reach a US city, millions could die in South Korea, Japan, and Guam...  And we don't have to attack North Korea.  Since we are much bigger, we can negotiate. Trump, please negotiate, do not attack.  Plus, if there is a nuclear exchange between the US and North Korea, if we attack them, China and Russia could attack us.... very bad. a full nuclear war.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Russia gate is BS

We heard it from the hackers themselves, VIPS leaders, Bill Binney and Ray McGovern. Russiagate is total BS... a scam to use Robert Mueller as special prosecutor to bring down President Trump.  The tricks of the British Empire endless war party to save their bankrupt empire, and have nuclear war if they can get away with it.